Friday, October 23, 2009

Troops attacked by unholy beast

Hello my Geddonites!Today breaking news on The Geddon Report! You may have seen reports on FOX NEWS and CNN and also seen the briefings from the Pentagon but I will let you in the real story!My brothers in arms came under attack last night from a very cunning and cute enemy.Yes I said cute with her little whiskers and pink little nose but deadly all the same.It happened at shift change when our unsuspecting heroes were lured into Fluffy`s lair!As the men were finishing the daily duties they turned off a large A/C unit they were using to cool them selves off while maintaining their aircraft.As two certain senior NCOs were directing the new shift in their duties a peculiar sound came from the unit,a muffled ..meow.Our two fearless leaders decided to investigate.As they opened the door the saw the tiniest,cutest kitten in the world.Well needless to say our brave men felt pity one the helpless little creature...that is just what the little beast one of our heroes reached down to pick up the the cuddly bundle she unleashed Hell on our men! Claws,Teeth,Hissing,Spitting....oh the horror!Only by sheer luck and ANG training was our guys able to escape with their lives!And what happened to the menace with furry ears? Not sure but we are ever vigilant of her return.Good night my Geddonites and remember be a good Geddonite be an informed Geddonite.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely the best new blog I've seen in months. Please make this a permanent endeavor.
