As Judge Carpenter retires our fair county is looking for a new District Judge.There are a slew of candidates out there vying for the opportunity to serve us as his replacement. Now we must ask ourselves what should the qualifications of our new judge be? Should that person be an established attorney with deep ties to the community and the established power base? Should that person`s judgement be influenced by life experiences and emotion? Should the person be a parent? Well according to the Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman here are the qualifications...
Must be licensed to practice law in Alabama. Must have resided in the circuit in which candidate seeks to serve for one year prior to election. No one may be elected or appointed to a judicial office after reaching the age of 70. Must have been licensed by the Alabama State Bar Association a combined total of 3 years or more, or by any other state bar association for a combined total of 3 years or more, prior to beginning a term of office or appointment to serve a vacant term of office.(from the Al.sec. of state`s site)
If you ask me a judge must follow the CONSTITUTION. A judge must not be persuaded by family,friends,business associates,or emotion.A judge must offer their opinions based on the law. So many bad decisions have been passed because a judge was persuaded by a huckster in a nice suit(can we say John Edwards?) appealing to their emotional side.A judge must disassociate themselves with this.
This is why I am voting for Tina Miller Parker for District Judge.I believe she is someone who will follow the the Constitution and reinforce the public`s belief in it.